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Volunteering at Fort Burgoyne for #WorldCleanUpDay

WorldCleanUpDay 2024

Members of Team LEP spent a delightful afternoon in the sunshine volunteering at Fort Burgoyne for #WorldCleanUpDay last Friday!

The crew got stuck in by clearing overgrown vegetation from the Victorian fort’s defensive ditches, helping to protect the historic structure from damage, and creating space for visitors to appreciate and enjoy this exceptional heritage site.

During our time at the site, we were also really excited to see a selection of LEP Heritage Team’s projects on the site, such as a recently completed pilot project to convert the casemates for small businesses and studios.

The day was rounded off by a fascinating tour of the cavernous Butterfly Caponier, deep below the fort. This is a truly exceptional place, and a project we are thrilled to be involved in.

With big thanks to The Land Trust, White Cliffs Countryside Partnership and Hipperson for a superb afternoon.