Here’s to 2021!
We have no idea how 2021 will unfurl. But we are hopeful.
We’re viewing the new year as an opportunity for re-evaluation. Not just in the way we work moving forward, but also how – as a business and as individuals – we appreciate the things around us; the environment, our local communities, and society as a whole.
At LEP, we’ve been educating ourselves and evolving our design approaches to respond to society’s changing needs, and as always sustainability remains a core priority.
We feel grateful (with praise to our IT team) to have been able to work remotely to protect our colleagues and clients. Yes, we miss our team like crazy, but we’re pleased that we have been doing our bit.
2020 was a terrible year. One which we will all remember, but wish we could forget. One which has tested our hearts, our souls, our resilience, and our mental health. One which has decimated businesses and left huge scars across industries – scars which may take decades to heal. One which has taken people from us too soon – our thoughts are with those who have lost loved ones.
We welcome the days when we can join up with our family, friends, colleagues, and clients in person, rather than over a webcam. We look forward to taking trips to the supermarket without fear. We long for all those things that in retrospect we so obviously took for granted.
With the incredible work of research teams and the NHS to better understand this virus, and a nationwide vaccination programme being rolled out, we can finally see that long-awaited glimmer of light.
Until then, let us all do our part. Let’s follow government guidance: let’s wear those uncomfortable face masks, let’s keep 2m apart (there’ll be plenty of time for hugs later), let’s keep singing ‘Happy Birthday’ whilst washing our hands, let’s continue to work from home where we’re able. Let’s keep those we know and love (and those we don’t) safe.
We’d like to thank our clients, contacts, our staff, and our families for their continuous support through such challenging circumstances and would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy and healthy New Year.