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Folkestone & Hythe and Swale open their Call for Sites!

Call for Sites 2024

Folkestone & Hythe District Council and Swale Borough Council have both opened ‘Call for Sites’ submissions for their upcoming Local Plans. They’re seeking land for various uses, to enable the Councils to identify what land is available to help meet development requirements of both districts.

Do you or your clients have land that could be suitable for:

  • New Housing Developments:  Including garden villages, urban extensions, affordable housing, self-build, and specialist housing for older people.
  • Gypsy and Traveller Pitches:  Providing essential space for these communities.
  • Economic Development:  Land for offices, industrial spaces, retail, tourism, and other commercial uses.
  • Community Facilities:  Ideal for community hubs, leisure, recreation, or new wildlife habitats.
  • Green Spaces:  Local Green Spaces, areas for nature, and recreational use to support thriving communities.


Additionally, Swale Borough Council is especially looking for sites in Sittingbourne Town Centre and rural park homes, with their Call for Sites closing on 14th November.

Folkestone & Hythe’s Call for Sites closes on Monday 18th November 2024.

If you think you have a site that might fit, don’t miss this chance to have it included in the Local Plan. Even a high-level submission could unlock significant development potential.  Please reach out to our planning team for a no obligation discussion, to see if we could assist you in making a submission (